This award is presented to a practice-specific Division of the Texas Counseling Association in recognition of their exemplary service to their members, and in the support and promotion of professional counseling in the State of Texas. The criteria for this award is as follows:

  • Documented evidence, no more than ten pages, such as communication, service to membership, research activities, promotional activities, and any other data that reflect the Division's accomplishment during the previous association year.

  • Consideration will be given to Division newsletters based on originality and creativity, promotion of professional counseling and enhancement of Division activities. One copy of each issue of the newsletter should be submitted.

  • Consideration will also be given to activities that focus attention on human rights issues, such as workshops, special projects, development of materials, or interactions with other groups or associations. Entries should contain documentation of or implications for change relative to an area of human rights. The entries should demonstrate that activities were an intentional act of the Division to address the topic of human rights.

  • Consideration will be given to public relations products that positively promote the guidance and counseling profession to the public. The product can be, but is not limited to, the following: brochure, video tape, newspaper series, T-shirt or billboard. The product must be non-commercial item and must be sent to the committee. If it is impossible to send the product, an enlarged photograph will suffice. Entries should list specific markets/groups targeted by the public relations activity/product. Some public acknowledgment of the public relations effort should be included, such as letters from the community, newspaper articles, etc.

  • In the area of membership, consideration will be given to the Division with the greatest annual percentage of growth in TCA membership during the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) Creative and innovational promotional activities, projects, or strategies for encouraging membership in TCA and the Division will be taken into consideration as well as the Division's processes of recognizing new members and acknowledging current members sponsoring/promoting professional membership. Division strategies for inclusion of all kinds of counselors, for flexibility in accommodation for various meeting structures (e.g. time, date, location, needs assessments, survey results, etc.) And for communication in inviting and keeping TCA members should be listed. Upon receiving the award, the Division should be prepared to share information about their promotional projects and strategies. This information would be shared through Guidelines, information sent to Divisions by the Membership/Member Services Committee, and a display at the Membership/Member Services booth

Individual Division members or groups of members may submit nominations.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.